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Matthew Arnold Primary School and Granby & Dingle Children's Centre

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Computing at Matthew Arnold


The use of information technology is embedded into a wide-range of subjects at Matthew Arnold, but the subject of Computing aims to teach children a wide range of skills specifically relating to how computers work and understanding the programming languages which they use, as well as teaching them digital literacy.


At Matthew Arnold, we follow the National Centre for Computing Education. Teachers adapt and change these plans to suit their classes and tailor them to the individual needs of pupils.


The KS1 computing curriculum is broken down in to four main strands: Understanding how the use of information technology can benefit us; Working on information technology to produce digital content; E-Safety and Coding.


The KS2 computing curriculum is largely similar, but contains additional strands for understanding Computer Networks and also Net Searches.


Each year, every child will complete learning objectives from these strands to ensure that they are digitally competent by the time they leave Primary School.


Each week, children will learn about a different area of computing, and use a wide range of information technology, ranging from programmable toys in Early Years, to coding software, known as Scratch, in KS2. Importantly, children are taught how to use information technology and the Internet safely across all units of work.

Computing Curriculum Overview

Computing Progression of Skills

Project Evolve - Education for a Connected World

(Keeping children safe online)


Computing Policy

Computing in school
