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Matthew Arnold Primary School and Granby & Dingle Children's Centre

Home Page



Welcome to Reception


We are a happy and friendly Reception team who are keen to build positive relationships with our children and parents.

We are very proud of our caring and supportive classroom environment. We keep our children at the heart of what we do and plan exciting and engaging activities to support them to develop true potential.

We love to see our children in school every single day and do not want them to miss out on any of our exciting learning opportunities! 


We follow the Birth to 5 matters curriculum and provide exciting and engaging learning opportunities for the children in our care. 

Our curriculum is play based and we plan around a range of quality and diverse texts and the children's interests. The Statutory framework states "play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults". We are proud of our exciting and enriching learning environment that encourages and provides fantastic opportunities for play. 

Throughout the week, we deliver daily phonics, literacy and maths adult lead inputs and a daily yoga session. Following these we plan adult lead activities for our fantastic indoor and outdoor continuous provision. We also plan several key worker times per week as well taking part in P.E and Bikeability lessons.


We follow the Read Write Inc. scheme for phonics and use a range of resources from Talk for Writing and the Power of Reading schemes to support our teaching of literacy. We also create a range opportunities for reading and writing every day in our learning environment.


If there is anything you would like to know, please contact us.


Thank you 

Team Reception (Mrs Broad and Mrs Hewitt)





