School Uniform
Our winter uniform is as follows:
School jumper or cardigan with school logo | ||
White polo shirt | ||
Grey school trousers, skirt or pinafore | ||
White or grey socks or grey school tights | ||
Black shoes or all black trainers |
In the summer months, children can wear grey school shorts and blue gingham summer dresses.
Sandals and jelly shoes are not suitable.
Children need to bring a water bottle in to school every day.
Apart from watches and stud earrings, children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school. No other kind of earring is permitted for health and safety reasons.
PE Kit
White T-shirt | |
Blue sports shorts | |
Black pumps |
Please make sure all items of clothing (including coats) are clearly marked with your child’s full name.
Uniform with the school logo on can be purchased from Kitted Out and Laser Schoolwear.