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Matthew Arnold Primary School and Granby & Dingle Children's Centre

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Welcome to Nursery


We are a happy and friendly Nursery team who are keen to build positive relationships with our children and families. We love having your children attend our setting and strongly encourage parents to bring their children into school every single day.


Our curriculum is play based and we use quality texts and the children's interests to inform our planning. The Statutory framework states "play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults". We are proud of our exciting and enriching learning environment that encourages and provides fantastic opportunities for play. We have a daily Circle Time where we have opportunities for counting, singing nursery rhymes and introducing our story of the week. 


Adults carefully observe the children so we can plan targeted and specific activities to support the children’s all round development.

We carefully plan activities for our fantastic indoor and outdoor continuous provision and are keen to provide exciting and stimulating learning opportunities for our children. We use Welcomm to support your child's communication and language development and do phonics activities to develop early listening skills. 


In Nursery we love to read and reading is an essential part of our curriculum and provision.  According to the National Literacy Trust, reading has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. It builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and even improves their sleeping patterns. As part of our daily routine, the children independently read for the first 10 minutes of the session. They can access stories in the environment throughout the day and have a storytime at the end of every session. We have a lovely "Borrow Box" for children to borrow our books to read at home. 


We value the importance of building positive relationships with our parents and regularl Stay and Plays throughout the year which have received very positive feedback from our parents! 


We are a caring and nurturing Nursery who are committed to helping your child flourish and succeed in life!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us! 


Thank you 

Team Nursery (Miss Brown and Mrs Dyer)






