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Matthew Arnold Primary School and Granby & Dingle Children's Centre

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Vision and Values

Matthew Arnold aims for its pupils to achieve their full potential and progress confidently into the next phase of their education, it is part of our vision that all children are filled with positive experiences, feel happy and valued and develop a sense of friendship, tolerance and understanding.  Underpinning the above, is our commitment to ensure that the children of Matthew Arnold Primary School possess the values that enable them to live well in society and prepares them to deal effectively with the challenges that the modern world presents.


We recognise that to achieve our school aims and values our curriculum needs to be supportive and responsive. Many of our pupils will benefit from

  • Additional social and emotional support

  • A focus on speech and language as well as a progressive vocabulary to assist them in explaining their thoughts and feelings

  • A meaningful focus upon basic skills (reading, writing and basic number)

  • Access to quality resources, trips, visits, visitors


Our curriculum has been shaped to create these opportunities and in turn, support our aims and values


We at Matthew Arnold… 

  • Take responsibility for our behaviour
  • Treat others with respect and equality
  • Enjoy learning
  • Feel safe
  • Reach our full potential
  • Celebrate achievement



Our three key values are: READY, RESPECTFUL & SAFE


We have discussed with our children what these words mean, how they can use these words to help them in school and what their behaviour may look like when they are ready, respectful and safe.


  • Ready: to learn, to play, to aspire to the future, to make progress, to improve, to be positive

  • Respectful: of each other, of ourselves, of our surroundings, of our differences, of each other's feelings, of everyone's rights

  • Safe: at school, at home, in the playground, in the classroom, online, in our learning, in our play


We use assembly to share these rules and reinforce them through our teaching and positive relationship and behaviour policy.


It is our aim for all children and adults to be successfully supported and encouraged to discover new horizons and develop their true potential.

