Many children will have additional needs at some point during their time with us. These may be in the area of health, emotions, behaviour or learning and we aim to identify and address these needs through the school’s inclusive practice.
We have a teacher with extra responsibility for following the DfE Code of Practice and working with staff and parents/carers to ensure that we take into account the needs of all our pupils. This may be provided through carefully adapted work, a teaching assistant giving extra support through small groups etc. By carefully addressing individual needs we aim to ensure that all children at our school will be given every opportunity to achieve their true potential.
All our children, irrespective of their individual needs, are encouraged to take part in and contribute to the life of Matthew Arnold Primary School.
Our school is a modern, purpose built building designed with full access in mind so that no-one should be excluded because of their individual needs.
Name of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator – Miss J West
SEN Governor – Miss E Cant
If you wish to speak to Miss West please phone the office on 0151 539 0300 or email
Speech and Language (Places are allocated through the Local Authority)
The provision has no connection to the mainstream school. Successfully gaining a place at Matthew Arnold Primary School will not gain access to the speech and language provision places.
The Local Authority have funded 32 part-time places which are designated for children with speech and language difficulties. The children receive a programme of intensive speech therapy while in the Language Resource Base, with the intention they return to their local school once their difficulties have been resolved.