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Matthew Arnold Primary School and Granby & Dingle Children's Centre

Home Page

Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to Matthew Arnold EYFS 


We are a happy, friendly EYFS team who keep the children we teach at the heart of what we do. 

At Matthew Arnold Primary School we aim high and want every child to experience success; our motto is ‘Developing True Potential’.  Our Early Years Foundation Stage provides a caring, exciting and engaging environment where children can thrive and develop their true potential. 


Our team consists of 

MAPS (2 year old room) - Julie E (room leader), Julie, Ruth, Danielle and Kathy. 
Nursery - Miss Brown (class teacher) and Mrs Dyer (
Learning Support Officer)

Reception - Mrs Broad (EYFS Lead and class teacher) and Mrs Hewitt (Learning Support Assistant)


We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum and are dedicated to ensuring your children are safe, happy and confident learners who make progress throughout their time in EYFS. We work closely as a team to plan for our children and deliver a balance of adult lead and child initiated planning. Our continuous provision is carefully planned for based on the child's interests. We follow the Birth to Five Matters Curriculum and ensure our children have lots of time to learn through play. 

The early year's education we offer our children is based on the following principles:

  • A unique child
  • Positive relationships
  • Enable environments
  • Learning and development


Each child throughout EYFS has a key person and we deliver adult lead inputs and key person time through our key person groups. 


We are keen to build positive relationships with our parents and host regular Stay and Plays throughout the year.  


Please browse our individual class pages and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. 

We look forward to meeting you! 


Thank you

 Team EYFS 






