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Matthew Arnold Primary School and Granby & Dingle Children's Centre

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Lunch Menus

Matthew Arnold joined the company Food for Thought several years ago. Food for Thought serves over 50,000 meals each month in its twenty schools in Liverpool. We have achieved the Soil Association's Gold Award and all our kitchens serve, in the main, free range and locally sourced meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. We are very proud of the fact that we are the only school meals' company in Liverpool to achieve this prestigious standard in the quality and sustainability of food we use in all our kitchens.


Food for Thought supports the local community whenever possible


Food For Thought are proud supporters of the Linda McCartney national "Meat Free Monday" campaign and has links with a number of other local groups: Squash Nutrition, LCC Green Team, NHS and the YMCA.

The school meals provided at Mathew Arnold Primary School are prepared and cooked by our catering staff. All meals are excellent and are fully compliant with the Government Nutritional Standards to ensure all children maintain a healthy diet. All staff are fully trained in Food Safety in Catering and we have been rated by the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme. (


Menus are sent out on the school app every Friday for the following week and if requested can be sent home to parents. They are also displayed in the hall. Children have choices of main and sweet courses and special diets are catered for.


School meals cost £2.00 per day (£10.00 per week). Payment must be made on Monday morning each week, or the first day back after a holiday. We can also accept payment in advance if preferred. All payments are to be made via ParentPay.


Packed Lunches

Children may bring a packed lunch if they do not wish to have a hot meal. However, we do request the lunch should be a healthy one in support of the school’s healthy eating policy.


Free School Meals

If you think your child is eligible for free school meals, applications can by made by the school office on your behalf. Please speak to the school office for further information. 
