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Matthew Arnold Primary School and Granby & Dingle Children's Centre

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School Council

Matthew Arnold School Council


What is the School Council?

The Student Council is an elected group of children who meet and work together to represent the pupils of Matthew Arnold. They are supported by Mrs Badger and Miss Bauress.



Who can be a member of the School Council?

At the start of each academic year (in September) each class will nominate two children – normally a boy and a girl – to become their class councillors. Every class from Year one up to Year Six votes for the children that they think will be able to represent their class best at School Council meetings.



When do School Council meetings take place?

Meetings take place twice a half term on a Wednesday afternoon.


What did the School Council achieve last year?

During the academic year 2022-2023, the School Council made changes to school lunches, dojo prizes, how to improve reading and how to improve the playground.


School Council Meeting 20.9.23

During the school council the children chose 10 questions to ask the prospective Headteacher at their interview. The children were also asked to gather ideas for their wet play equipment box from their classes. 



  • The school council collected harvest festival items and met with the Florrie Community Shop to donate.
  • On Wednesday 25th October School Council representatives from Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 6 went to Tesco to promote the blue token scheme which is running to raise much needed funds for outdoor equipment for our EYFS.






